"The Best Damn Dutch Oven Cook There Is!"
Well… like most folks, we’re moving during the Corona Virus outbreak. We have multiple people in and out of our house, touching all of our things, packing up our stuff, everyone in close quarters (because no house is big enough to social distance when you have movers), OH WAIT… not everyone is going through this?
Oy Vey… God sure did have other plans than what I did for my family right now. As we finish up our chapter here in Iowa I was envisioning dinners, hang-outs, play dates, and all sorts of other fun social outings. But, life looks a bit different right now, and it’s going to be OKAY (deep breaths into my brown paper bag)!
I’m sitting at our dining room table which looks like a heaping, messy combination of the craziest plant/antique lady’s stuff you’ve ever seen! I’m literally peeping through my plants. Since I love to eat, and I love to be social, and I won’t be able to eat in a social environment with anyone other than Doc and CW for a while… I figured this was the perfect time to give a long overdue shout-out to my father-in-love.
This is the first photo I have of Coach in action, also the first taste of Cobbler Heaven!
He’s known as “Coach” around most outfits, but I like to call him, “The Best Damn Dutch Oven Cook There Is!”. (And yes, the exclamation is needed on the end of that name.) Every time we know we’re going camping with my in-laws I always have a personal request that he bring at least one dutch oven. Because selfishly I want him to fix a cobbler. It doesn’t even matter what flavor… blueberry, cherry, peach, ANY FRUIT will do! I’m not sure if his secret is sprinkling dirt, or dog hair, or sneezing in it… but I’LL TAKE ALL OF IT!!!!!
He really is a God-fearing, salt of the earth guy, and if you ever meet him, you’ll agree. But… if you ever get to sample his cobbler… I guarantee it will change your life… FOREVER. See the photo tutorial below of what I like to call “Cobbler Heaven”.
So, here’s to you (please raise whatever glass you have, high in the air for a toast) “The Best Damn Dutch Oven Cook There Is!”